Supply shipment

Mike’s Quality Camera came through with our new stuff today. 24 rolls of Kodak TX-400 film, two steel film retrievers (the best there is), D76 concentrated developer, concentrated stop bath, and four 25-packs of 35-mm archive sleeves. Those of you who want to try your hand with another roll of film before we go into…


As you guys could see in class today (for those of you who showed up) the chemistry while being a reasonably exact science, is not very difficult. I realize that there is a lot of numbers to learn but we just have to make sure we read the directions on the developers we use. The…

That smell

Developer, stop bath, and fixer each have their distinctive smell. They are almost foul smells if one interprets them that way. I’ve come to grow to love it and I look forward to coming home sweating from a 10-mile bike ride and still reeking of dark room chemicals. If you’re passionate about this hobby (or…