This past Wednesday was a no-show day for our class and, because of this, no one got a permission slip for a field trip we had planned with Redwood on Friday. While I realize that this trip was very short notice, it still would’ve been nice to go to on a nice little nature walk at the Kaweah Oak Preserve. Just so you all know, we have a new class schedule of when we’ll be in the dark room to make prints or develop film.
Wednesday: Room J-12 @3:30pm
Friday: Room J-12 @3:30pm
Please note that we no longer meet on Mondays unless you want to come by the lounge and pick up developed film, but we won’t be in the dark room on those days. Also, please remember that Mr. Yocum holds a writing lab tutorial in the computer lab outside the dark room on Wednesdays, so please be mindful that they are people studying just on the other side of our revolving door and let’s keep the noise to a minimum and head directly into the darkroom on that day; music is still okay since it’s mostly contained in the darkroom anyway. The sign-in sheet will be by the light tables in the back of the room from now on.
Have a good rest of your weekend, ladies and gentlemen!