We’re still on for class tomorrow, I hope? I hope you’ve all claimed your ream of photography paper and are working on your chosen print or prints for the May 4th MILO modeling and art show. If you have any questions about how to do any of this, please feel free to come into the darkroom to hang out with us and ask.
In the meantime, I’d like to point you all to an awesome and inspiring little exhibit I found on the intertubes.
It’s a meticulously-crafted set of 4×5 Kodachromes taken by war photographer Alfred T. Palmer during World War II. Please note the near-perfect lighting and masterful image composition. Also keep in mind that these images were shot from 1940-1943 which puts their age and the age of the cameras they were shot with at well over 70 years old. Just a reminder that, while digital cameras are nice, their quality will stay the same as they are now. Properly-stored film is forever. 😀
See you tomorrow, troops!