Since we’re currently still working on proper exposure, I’ve been looking to make a very simple handout (basically a very brief combination of the depth of field explanation on the last handout and the shutter speed handout) with some picture samples to show the difference between properly exposed pictures at different shutter speeds, aperture stops and focal lengths. I was just about to start shooting pictures for it when I found this wonderful website by professional interface designer Jon Arnold:
There’s a simple and fun SLR simulator that lets you play around with different shutter speeds, apertures, lighting and focal lengths and one that helps you visualize proper portrait composition. Take the time to visit both of these pages and play around with them when you have a chance. They were designed to simulate digital SLR cameras with color portraits but the same basic exposure principles apply to all SLR cameras and with black & white film, so don’t sleep on playing around with these; I’ll go through both of them in class tomorrow so you guys can follow along. These simulators are also available as mobile apps for iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch but they’re $1.99 each. If you have $2 to spare for the apps and would like to play with them on the go, you can find them at the Apple iTunes store. If you’re an Android user, Mr. Arnold has assured that there is a version coming soon.
You can follow CameraSim on Facebook here and on Twitter here.
In other news, we will now have the Video Club meeting in our classroom on Tuesdays from now on. A few of you have already expressed concern about it being a bit too loud in the classroom, so I’ll discuss it with the video students next week so we can come to an understanding about the volume level in there. We also developed 5 rolls yesterday and they should be finished drying by now. I’ll be putting them into negative sleeves for you guys and putting them in the tray next to the light table. Which reminds me, that tray is getting a little full—if you have negatives that haven’t been picked up, please come by and pick them up soon.
See you tomorrow, troops!