FRIDAY I’M IN LOVE – Photo Booth – Feb 14, 2025
Put together a literal last-minute couples photo booth for the Sound N Vision Valentine’s Day show with our friends BLOODFLOWERS.
Put together a literal last-minute couples photo booth for the Sound N Vision Valentine’s Day show with our friends BLOODFLOWERS.
Photo shoot to promote this “DEL VALLE” crew neck, a comfortable sweater that pays homage to the agricultural richness of Central California.
Back for its third year, the California Pickleball Classic has now become a 3-day tournament with well over 200 registered players in multiple divisions and in all ages.
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF YOUR CHILDREN REVOLTING! Beartooth cut through a rabid Fresno crowd in 115ºF heat like a hot knife through soft butter at Tioga-Sequoia Beer Garden on Saturday, July 6th, 2024 with support from Currents, Boundaries & NEVERTEL.
About a quarter century after I first heard them while still in college, Ozomatli remain on my favorite bands and I finally got to shoot them for Tower Theater and Numbskull Shows on Cinco de Mayo.
Together Pangea, Death Lens & Chico brought it to Strummer’s in Fresno.
Movements came to Downtown Fresno on March 30th, 2024 and they brought the RUCKUS!
This was one of my favorite shows I’ve shot at Strummer’s because, well, nostalgia. Barely-past-teenage me had a gargantuan crush on Monique Powell, which led me to start listening to Save Ferris more seriously and, as it turned out, they really were (and still are) a fun and tightly-talented squad of goofballs with instruments and, goddamn, can Monique sing!
When I saw the legendary Marky Ramone’s show at Strummer’s being announced, I immediately hit up the peeps at Numbskull and asked if I could come out of my weak-ass version of retirement and come out blasting!
I’ve been hearing whispers of pickleball for years but it always sounded like “diet tennis” to me. If I’m being honest, I never really gave it an honest chance even from a spectator standpoint. Then I was hired to shoot a tournament of said sport and my mind was changed.