I’ve been having the shittiest fucking week since my uncle passed away and I’m still ridiculously angry that I was never given enough time to plan a trip to go see him, much less got to say goodbye. There are a lot of tangents that stem from this that I’ve been dealing with and I’m fucking done with this week. However, work still calls and I gotta finish this fucking bag design. Came into Cellar Door this morning in a shitfit, lacking caffeine and generally just waiting for someone to say the wrong thing to me so I can blow up like the claymore mine/bloated battery iPad that Cellar Door keeps as the music player.
I ordered my drink and got to my desk only to find my friend Zayda left me a note on my iced coffee. 🥹

I don’t know why this little gesture took the steam out of my kettle but it did and I’m glad it did. I was a little bit calmer (after I had a mini meltdown at my desk, of course) when I finally sat down. I don’t deserve my friends. 🥺