Dad flew in from Mexico and we went to San Francisco for my sister Maria’s graduation. We stopped at Koja in the Presidio neighborhood. My dad ordered the pork belly tacos which were enough of a revelation that they were devoured before I could get my phone out to get photos.

Author: Juan✏️ Designer • 📷 Photographer • 🇲🇽 Token Mexican | 📍 Visalia, CA | 💻 🖱 📷: Middlestate Design, Pita Kabob & Grill, Grizzly Fest, Sound N Vision Foundation (For which I also have the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors of) and its yearly fundraiser show Tastemakers Festival. My print and design division is PixelPush.Media. Steak before cake. Quod sumus, hoc eritis. 💀